Monday, October 26, 2009

Bagaimanakah syaitan memasuki hati...

¨ Terlalu cintakan kepada dunia sedangkan kehidupan di akhirat tiada langsung di dalam hatinya, baginya kehidupan hanya sekali sahaja iaitu di dunia.

¨ Terlalu melayan perasaan dan panjang angan-angan kerana sifat ini akan mengeraskan hati.

¨ Terlalu rakus kepada kehidupan dunia kerana ia akan membuahkan sifat tamak.

¨ Bakhil dengan apa yang dimiliki dan yang diperolehinya kerana ia merupakan pintu kepada kesombongan.

¨ Riya’, besar diri dan anggkuh kerana ia merupakan punca kepada sifat kemunafikan.

¨ Ujub dan sombong.

¨ Sentiasa menyimpan perasaan buruk sangka terhadap orang lain dan berdendam.

¨ Memandang remeh akan dosa-dosa kecil kerana ia akan mendorongkan lagi manusia berterusan dalam melakukan dosa kecil dikira sebagai melakukan dosa besar.

¨ Merasa suka dan gembira bila mendapat sesuatu musibah atau azab dari Allah.

¨ Memandang rendah kepada orang lain kerana sifat ini merupakan tapak bercambahnya sifat dengki dan membuka pintu kebencian.

¨ Bodoh diatas setiap tindakan dan perbuatan tetapi tidak pula menyedari akan kebodohannya itu sebaliknya merasakan dirinya sentiasa betul.

¨ Suka kepada pujian dan sanjungan kerana ia merupakan punca timbulnya sifat besar diri dan sombong.

¨ Ketika sedang marah kerana marah itu merupakan bara api dari neraka.

¨ Putus asa dengan rahmat Allah, sifat ini akan membuatkan seseorang merasakan dunia yang begitu luas ini terlalu sempit baginya, oleh kerana terlalu kecewa ia sanggup melakukan apa saja.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Amalan yg tidak putus mndpt pahala....

Sabda Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. :

Amal manusia yang tidak pernah putusnya mendapat pahala disisi Allah, Ada tiga perkara:

AMAL-JARIAH: Amal Jariah ertinya pekerjaan yang baik umpamanya dia menyumbangkan tenaga atau harta atau fikiran kepada masyarakat untuk pembaikan atau pembiayaan untuk masjid, musolla, madrasah, rumah sakit dan sebagainya maka selagi masjid masih digunakan beribadat, musolla dan madrasah dipakai orang, maka selama itu pula orang tadi mendapat pahala di sisi Tuhan.

Tapi kebanyakan orang berfaham amal jariah itu hanya untuk agama sahaja padahal untuk umum pun termasuk amal jariah juga. Misalnya : Sebuah Jalan atau jambatan yang umum diguna kerosakan, kemudian secara bergotong-royong masyarakat setempat beramai-ramai memperbaiki itupun termasuk amal jariah.

Org awam berpendapat yang dikatakan amal soleh adalah cuma solat dan puasa saja padahal bukan yang demikian. Yang dimaksudkan dengan kata "amal soleh" adalah perbuatan yang baik, baik dalam pandangan mata umum dan juga pandangan agama. Maka tandanya orang beriman, ialah yang suka melakukan amal kebajikan.

ANAK YANG SOLEH (ANAK YG BAIK) Sudah jelas jika orang ingin mempunyai anak yang soleh, tidak mudah diperolehi begitu saja. Maka yang pertama wajib atas org tua mengajar anak dengan pendidikan agama. Selain menghantar anaknya ke sekolah umum dan sekolah agama, orang tua juga harus memberi contoh yang baik kepada anaknya dengan melaksanakan perintah agama. InsyaAllah anak itu akan mencontohi orang tuanya.

ILMU YANG DIAJARKAN KPADA ORANG LAIN Adapun yang dimaksudkan dengan ilmu adalah bukan ilmu agama sahaja. Ilmu itu adalah umum, ilmu ertinya adalah "Pengetahuan". Sebagaimana Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w. : 'Sempurnanya agama dengan ilmu, sempurnanya dunia juga dengan ilmu."

Jadi tegaslah ilmu apa saja yg telah diajarkan kepada orang lain dan orang lain itu mendapat manfaat dari ilmu tersebut, maka org pertama yang mengajarkannya jika dia seorang muslim dia mendapat pahala yg tidak habis disisi Allah s.a.w.

Misalnya org pandai membetulkan radio rosak kemudian kepandaiannya diajarkan pada orang lain, lalu orang itu mendapat manfaat daripadanya yang disunatkan untuk mencari nafkah, maka orang yang mengajarkannya mendapat pahala "jariyah" dari sisi Allah s.w.t.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

"What do you think?"

I see a tall, pretty girl holding up a green, gauzy dress for her friend's inspection. The friend nods approvingly and smiles.

"It's perfect!"

Perfect? I muse to myself. It is becoming increasingly difficult to find the perfect clothing nowadays.

"And say to the believing women that they cast down their looks and guard their private parts and do not display their ornaments except what appears thereof, and let them wear their head-coverings over their bosoms..." (Qur'an 24:31)

I walk out of the store and take a look around me. I am surrounded by Muslim girls wearing hijab. One wears a scarf that is carelessly draped over her head. It dutifully covers every strand of hair but it terminates above her bosom.

The shirt she wears is tight and short sleeved. Her legs are not exposed in the least but there is no guesswork as to their shape since the jeans she wears outlines them clearly and unambiguously.

Another girl walks past me. She is more modestly dressed in a flowing robe. Unfortunately, her hijab exposes her bosom for every male eye to see.

Hijab is derived from its arabic root word hajaba meaning to cover, hide behind a veil or curtain. A hijab in its entirety should serve as a barrier between a man and a woman in all respects. Hijab makes the muslim woman aware that she should restrict her interaction with males with whom she can marry.

Hijab serves as a veil that hides the muslim woman's adornments from being seen. The true purpose of Hijab is lost once it is merely considered as a trend and tradition and the real reason why it is worn is lost.

In the west, the women take pride in showing off the latest creations from their favorite designers on the red carpet. They eagerly strut their 'stuff' in front of the cameras, adoring the attention. Millions of photographers crowd in front of the so called stars and snap away.

Here! Here!

One starlet smiles. Turns, poses.

The most daring of the lot is applauded for their iconic fashion sensibilities when what they are really doing is showing off a bit more skin than their counter-parts.

And it is said, the women towards the end of the world will wear clothing but it is as if they are naked. In a popular reality tv show where groups of designers compete against each other for the ultimate prize to work under a world-famous fashion label, the motto that prevails sends out the message that less is more.

One designer went to such an extent as to wrap all the loose parts of the cloth around his model, delineating the shape of her body. The judges absolutely beamed!

In another show where beautiful girls vie for a place as top model, the hostess encourages the girls to not look 'frumpy' by adjusting the loosely draped cloth around the body tightly, and shortening it in the process. Is it not degrading that women are looked upon solely based on the shape of their bodies, the flawlessness of their complexion, the fullness of the lips?

Whereas the character and integrity as a living, breathing, capable human being is seen as secondary compared to the above?

Is it not then, absolutely beautiful that Islam honors the women by prioritizing and preserving their character and dignity through the act of covering their beauty and charm from unwarranted attention?

"If one chooses to dress as one of a group of people, they are of that people"

Muslim women should be aware that they carry the identity of Islam. The trendsetters in the West only serve their hedonistic needs. They care nothing for religion or God.

In their blind enjoyment of this short worldly life, they only serve our greatest enemy, the Shaitan. Why should we dress up so degradingly, showing off every curve? To what end? To attract male suitors? To garner a loyal following of boyfriends? So that we are not the last one standing when all our friends are out on dates?

What is this purpose but to satisfy our nafs and to create and even greater sin that can lead to fahishah (immoral sin)!

"And among His signs is this, that He has created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquility with them; and He has put love and mercy between you. Verily in that are signs for those who reflect." (30:21)

Know that Allah's promise is true. Surely for every believing woman, there is a believing man for her, insya Allah. Remember when The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), full of praise for virtuous and chaste women, said: The most precious thing in the world is a virtuous woman.